Member of the Special Interdepartmental Committee of the Interinstitutional - Interdeprtmental Program of Postgraduate Studies "Law and Informatics", Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, 2016-now.
Member of the Committee for the Internal Evaluation Group, Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, 2020-now.
Member as President of the Committee for the Coordination of Laboratories, Equipment and Technical-Lab Personnel, Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, 2015-2017.
Member of the Procurement Acquisition Committee for Regular and Informal Tenderings and Negotiated Assignments, Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, 2016-2017.
Member of the Coordinating Committee of the Program of Postgraduate Studies in Applied Informatics, Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, 2013-2015.
Academic Erasmus Project Manager, Technology Management Department, University of Macedonia, 2008-2009.
Member of the Committee for the Creation, Operation and Management of the Netwrok Operation Center, Department of Early Childhood Education, School of Education, University of Western Macedonia, 2005-2007.
Member of the Procurement Committee, Department of Early Childhood Education, School of Education, University of Western Macedonia, 2005-2007.
Member of the Committee for the Implementation of the Public Investments Program, Department of Early Childhood Education, School of Education, University of Western Macedonia, 2005-2007.